Scary Urban Legends all over Connecticut

  1. The unpaved rode
  2. Legend has it that this rode is a spawner for spirits, monsters. Some people say that they saw UFOs- but they weren't too sure. But it's never been made clear as to why the road has remained intact but still never paved.

  3. The failed attempt
  4. In Gardener lake, there is a house under the water- not liveable though. The family made an unsuccessful attempt to move it across the frozen lake, and the house sunk slowly to the bottom. Left inside was a piano, which some fisherman who go over the house claim to hear playing below the surface.

  5. Hanna Cranna
  6. (She lived from 1783-1859 so you can kind of understand why some people thought she was a witch) According to folklore, Hanna Cranna was cruel when she was alive, scaring neighbors frequently and being accused of casting a spell on her husband (Joseph Hovey) that made him walk off a cliff. She said to have predicted her own death, casting a spell upon her own home so that shortly after her corpse was carried out, it burst in to flames.

  7. Dudlytown
  8. Some time ago Owlsbury, the town is named for the Dudley family, who all met an abhorrent end. However, they left behind a curse which has made it impossible to inhabit the town since, or even visit without feeling sick.

  9. The Ledge Lighthouse
  10. Ledgelight Lighthouse The Ledge Lighthouse is supposed to be spooky by the soul of a previous guardian who tended the light at some point between 1909 when the design was assembled and 1939 when the light got robotized. The apparition, "Ernie," shows up as a tall unshaven man wearing a downpour slicker. Notwithstanding the spooky sightings, numerous working professed to have seen cups moving around without anyone else, sheets taking off of the bed, radios turning on and off and the foghorn sounding voluntarily.

  11. Fort Griswold
  12. Fort Griswold tunnel

    During the Revolutionary War, a battle led aganst the Americans by the turncoat, Benedict Arnold, was waged in Groton's Fort Griswold. In the massacre, the Groton men were overtaken. To this day, people say that sometimes in the Avery-Copp house, a person can be seen past closing hours, or footsteps heard. Later on, when the British were taking Americans prisoners, the captives were loaded into a cart. However, the soldiers lost control of the cart, sending the Americans screaming to their deaths. In the apple orchard the crash took place in, echoing screams can still be heard.

  13. The Bill Memorial Library
  14. Frederic_Bill

    One ghost story that may hit closer to home, is in our very own Bill Memorial Library. Some claim that after the battle at Fort Griswold, objects in the building have moved on their own, and voices have been heard as well.

  15. The Anna Warner Bailey House
  16. Mother Bailey

    In the Bailey House lived an American patriot named Anna Warner. She became known as "Mother Bailey", after managing to reunite her dying uncle (from fighting at Fort Griswold), with their family. She became the person of legends, being visited by James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, and Lafayette. Nowadays, it is said that her house is haunted by the friendly "Mother Bailey."